Tampa Bay
Art of Teaching
How do we facilitate meaningful student-teacher interactions?
Professional Roles
Expert. Team members have expertise in a particular field of education or discipline and engage in professional development to remain at or reach the top of their field.
Global Citizen. Team members bring global experience to their work and embrace the perspectives of others.
Mentor. Team members guide student and team member learning and growth. As mentors, teachers meet one-on-one for regular goal-setting, monitoring, and support check-ins. Team members challenge and inspire students, and each other, by providing consistent, constructive feedback.
Curator. Team members gather and synthesize content, context, and concepts for learning.
Tutor. Team members offer one-on-one and small group mini-lessons to deepen conceptual understanding.
Project Designer. Team members create high quality and innovative projects for contextualized learning, in collaboration with colleagues and students.
Assessor. Team members review student work and progress and use data to assess students’ independence and to gauge progress on mastery of content.
Researcher. Team members adopt and develop best practices, contributing their own learnings and best practices to the larger education community.
Lifelong Learner. Team members are role models who exemplify lifelong curiosity and exploration.
All Icon Teachers are required to meet at least one of the following criteria:
Bachelor’s Degree or higher in any subject area
Three or more years of teaching experience
Special skills, knowledge, or expertise that qualifies them to provide instruction in subject taught